As a dedicated servant to the plans and purposes of God, Pastor Jones is an innovative, energetic, charismatic, courageous, God-fearing, preaching machine. Pastor Jones was born to Aldon Jones Sr. and Ericka Jones-Phillips on March 30, 1996. At the age of 7, he was baptized in the name of Jesus and a year later was filled with the Holy Ghost. At the age of 10, he preached his trial sermon, “The blessings for the people of God '' at New Life Worship Center. Under the leadership of his spiritual father, Bishop Daniel Chavis Jr. (Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ), Pastor Jones served as the Vice President of the youth department and as an adjutant. At the age of 18, Pastor Jones received his ministerial license through Victorious Life Bible Institute (Aenon Bible College). He is the founder and Lead Servant of City of Life Ministries.
In addition to his pastoral assignment, he currently serves as:
President of the Heart of America Council of Churches Pentecostal Young People’s Union,
Teen Director of the International Pentecostal Young People's’ Union,
Board Member of the Lee A. Tolbert School,
Co-Host of South Wesley AME Prayer Conference, and
Private Wealth Trust Advisor, just to name a few.
Pastor Jones believes that this is the time of revival for all of God's people. He founded City of Life Ministries with vision of being a loving intergenerational Christ Centered ministry showing the love of God to all whom we encounter while being a place of life, strength and joy. City of Life's aspiration is to see lives transformed, empowered, equipped, and changed through the power of Jesus Christ through the love we show towards one another with the grace of God all while being a light in this world to all walks of life.
Who we are: An intergenerational loving ministry, kingdom minded, growing and developing into who GOD created us to be, while building the City where the Glory and Jesus resides!
The Vision of City of Life: is to be an intergenerational multicultural ministry that shows the Love of God through our service and dedication with the spirit of excellence, while witnessing every individual life to be transformed, developed, equipped and empowered through the Life changing power of God, while being a purpose driven committed ministry and aid to those of our communities and this world.
The Mission of City of Life: a life-changing ministry showing the love of God to all people, serving God, his people and our community; through worship, outreach, love and discipleship while experiencing the authentic Glory of God.
Pastor, City of Life
Aldon M. Jones, Jr.
Staff Pastor
Elder Hosea Simpson

Staff Pastor
Donna Simpson

Staff Pastor
Elder Linda Robinson